Sunday, June 1, 2014

An update in pictures

You are totally in to Transformers right now and you want to go to sleep with them all the time. I frequently am told that I need to kiss them good night. It's pretty cute. Some kids sleep with their stuffed animals, you sleep with your Transformers!

What can I say... you love your binkies. This was you living it up with two of them at the same time.

Words cannot describ how much I love that sweet smile of yours. 

I made you a smoothie. Apparently I made it to thick. I warned you to be careful as you were tipping the cup straight up. However the next time you went to get a drink you tipped it to far up again and thus the result below. Your Dad and I just started laughing as you walked up to me and said "smoothie on face." I was instructed by your Dad to get a picture before I cleaned you up. Needless to say I posted this to Facebook and it was one of the most 'liked' pictures that I have had in a while. It made a lot of people's days to see your sweet sad face over this outcome. 

I love this picture of us. Your angelic face here is perfect. This was the night before the smoothie incident and also got a lot of 'likes'. A lot of people liked the contrast between the two pictures. 

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