"Pick you up!" You say this any time you want me to pick you up. Since I have asked in the past if you want me to pick you up, you think that is literally what it means and haven't transitioned to saying "pick me up" yet.
"Marcus do it." Yes we have reached the independent stage where whenever we are doing something you want to do this is your response.
"Transformers Meet Eye!!" You love Transformers right now. The song says "Transformers, more than meets the eye..." Hence your phrase. You say this usually at the top of your longs as you play with your auto bots and rescue bots. It is very cute to watch you play with them.
"Miss you, Mommy." This one melts my heart. It doesn't matter if it has been 15 minutes or a whole day. When we have been a part for a while you will come up to me and wrap your sweet arms around my neck and tell me this. I love it.
"No, I got it." You learned this phrase from your Dad and it goes hand in hand with your independent phase. Frequently I will ask you if you need help and this is your response.
"Hug you." This one cracks me up. Whenever you are in trouble and are crying you try to come up and give me a hug while saying "hug you." This all started because whenever you are in time out and it is over I give you a hug and tell you that I love you. So I think you don't like being in trouble and so your response a midst your crying is to come and say "hug you" to try to make the ordeal be over.
"Milky milk." Okay so this one is more of a word, but I love it. For some reason I have a tendency to repeat things and occasionally talk in toddler talk. Case in point, milky milk. I started saying that whenever you asked for milk and now you call it milky milk when you are asking for it more than you just call it milk. Oh the powers of observation and influence. It is a slippery slope that is both beautiful and scary.
"Amon!" "Amere!" This one is starting to slip away but I love it so I need to write it down. You frequently would say "Amon" and "Amere" for come on and come here. It is one of the cutest things that you say.
Lastly one that has come and gone which your Uncle Ryan got a kick out of when he was visiting here in February was "shur" for sure. Any time anyone asked you a question you would reply with "shur" instead of yes. I'm pretty sure your Uncle Ryan will now say this for the rest of his life. It was pretty stinking cute and I honestly wish you still said it too.
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