Monday, June 25, 2012

Your Picture Post for 4 Months

I have found that I am spending so much time enjoying you and your adorableness that I haven't done well at posting blogs or pics. Your 5 month 'birthday' is coming up here soon so here are is the last set of pictures for while you were 4 months. As you may notice most of these pics are with you laying on your belly practicing tummy time. You really LOVE tummy time now. That and there are a few pics of you with your giraffe. That is Sophie, she is a teething animal. You have also really started teething like crazy and are always chewing on your hand or anything else you can get in your mouth.


  1. Hi Harper family :)

    Marcie, I know I have never met you and Cole I haven't seen you in such a long time but you have the cutest baby boy. I love that you update your blog and found out about your blog from my mom, Aunt Judi. I am living in Colorado and would love to be in touch so we can catch up. It really has been too long and I would love to meet you Marcie.

    Keep up the adorable pictures of little Marcus :) love sent to you in Idaho!

    -Abby Malecha

    1. Abby,

      Thanks for the message! I would love to meet you sometime, I have heard tons about you from your mom. I hope Colorado is treating you well! I will have to start following your blog. Good luck "out west" :o)

      The Harpers
