Saturday, June 30, 2012

5 Months Old!!

You are 5 months old today! It's so hard for me to believe that you are already almost 1/2 year old. I fall more and more in love with you every day. You are a complete joy and cherub.

 Things you are doing developmentally:
* Sitting up on your own for short bits of time (less than a minute)
* Rolling over from you tummy to your back
* Grabbing your feet
* Following people around the room with your head when they move
* Enjoying tummy time and pulling yourself up with your arms
* Laughing more frequently

 Fun things that you are doing that I love:
* You have started nursing and then pulling off and rolling to your side to look around and then rolling back over to start nursing again. It is very cute.
* Somewhat flirting when people talk to you. You smile at them and then bury your face into my shoulder to hide.
* Talk constantly when you are playing on your own. I think you do it to get attention.
* You now know how to work all of the toys on your exersaucer.
* You grab at everything now and if you can't grab it then you hit it. If you can you put it in your mouth to explore it and taste it. It is adorable and also frustrating at times, but I love it!

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