Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy 4 Months Big Boy!

You turned 4 months last Thursday. In the past few weeks you have started to do a bunch of new things. Every day you amaze me with you smiles, your curiosity, and personality.

Things you are doing developmentally right now:
* Starting to teeth (no teeth yet, but definitely teething!)
* In just the last few days you are starting to sit up for short bits on your own
* Playing with your feet and grabbing them
* Following me around the room with your eyes and head
* Spinning the toys on your exersaucer
* Learning to go to sleep on your own without me putting you in your bed already asleep
* Laughing for short bits of time
* Finally enjoying tummy time

What you are doing right now that I love:
* The game I talked about earlier when you are eating with me and you pull away and smile
* Seeing you follow me with your eyes and head as I walk around the living room
* Playing peek a boo with you and watching you grin when we 'reappear'
* Listening to you 'talk' and make noises constantly either in the morning or when you are in my arms. It's like
   you are carrying on a conversation with me.

Pictures of you over the past few weeks to come soon. I am falling behind in blogging because I want to spend every moment you are awake and I am home with you because of how much you are changing. I will catch up soon though! I love you little man.

Below are a few pics of bath time though from right around your 4 month mark.

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