Tuesday, May 21, 2013

15 1/2 Months!

So I have been falling behind in posting on these. The main reason being we are in the process of trying to sell our house and this is consuming a lot of my time. Consequently I missed your '15 month' post and you '16 month' post is due in about ten days. Normally I would just backdate the post if I had to, but you have had quite a bit of developments in the past month or so that I couldn't remember the differences between 15 months and 16 months. So....we will have a 15 1/2 month post instead. Below are a few random pictures I have taken of you over the past month or so. The first one of you is in my favorite jammies that you have in this size. The next one is of you devouring the middle of a mango. You got quite upset when I took it away from you.

Things You Are Doing Developmentally Right Now:
* TALKING!! You have recently learned 'No' "nananananana" when you don't want something done, 'Uh-oh!' , 'Woah!', 'Door' (sounds like doa), and 'dart' (sounds like dar). 
* Trying to mimic animal sounds which is quite cute even if you don't get it right.
* Throwing things in the garbage when you are done with them...including bottles and things that aren't supposed to be thrown away! However you learned this one on your own from watching us so it is pretty cute.
* You got another bottom tooth in all the way and the one on the other side of the bottom four has broken through but isn't in all the way. You are still teething though. In fact, we think your molars are coming in. The other day was amusing and concerning all at once. You stuck your hands so far down you throat that you were making yourself gag, you did this multiple times. I was a little worried you were going to throw up all over me, fortunately you didn't!
* You have finally outgrown 12 month clothes and are in 18 months now.
* You love books right now, it is so cute to have us read to you and if there isn't anyone to read to you then you will look at the book yourself. When we are finished reading the book you say "dye dye!" for bye bye.

Things You Are Doing Right Now That I Love:
* When you run and are excited you will lead with your shoulder and hold you other arm stiff behind you. 
* You are loving chalk, this is after mimicing your dad and his friends write on their chalkboard when playing darts. The only thing we don't love is that  you don't want to color on the ground, but rather the door. This is a constant thing to clean, especially when you are trying to show the house to be sold!
* I love it when you laugh when you hear other people laugh. It is hilarious to hear your fake laugh. 
* Getting quite proficient on the playground equipment now that it is nice outside. You can go down slides by yourself now!
* You always want to sit on steps when possible. I think because they are your size and are like a mini chair. It is quite cute, especially when you try to get us to sit with you. I want to buy you a mini adirondack chair that I saw because of this. I think think you would love it!
* I am teaching you body parts and it is so fun watching you identify them. You know: head, ears, toes, nose, and belly. We are almost there with eyes and mouth. I think you are one smart little boy. 

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