Friday, March 1, 2013

13 Months and Counting...

Things You are Doing Developmentally Right Now:
* You understand lots of phrases now and show that you understand them. Such as "let's go upstairs", "are you ready to eat?" "go get a book"
* You have really gotten into books now and love to be read to and actively seek out books and bring them to us. 
* Calling me mom to get my attention. You have been using Dad for a few months to call to him, but not my name. 

Things You are Doing Right Now that I Love:
* You have gotten into cleaning (as evidenced by the pictures below!) We actually just got out the toy vacuum for you to start playing with. 
* Figured out how to lift your leg up to put yourself on your rocking horse and bike to rock back and forth on. This also includes climbing on your Dad's office sofa. You love to climb up and down since you can do it on your own.
* You LOVE to go outside now. Every time we put our coats on you run to the door and if we take Bailey out without you, you get very upset. Once you go outside your favorite thing to do right now is put rocks in your mouth, then you realize they are gross and you spit them out and proceed to try another one. 
* You know now how to cheers with a drink, give kisses, and high five. (You have been doing the high five one for a while, but all of these things are adorable and you will always do now).

1 comment:

  1. Did I write this already? I love that you write a list of what Marcus is doing developmentally, I wish I had done the same thing! I love the photos of Marcus with the broom, it reminds me so much of Connor. We love you!!! XOXO
