I'm sitting here typing this as you lay in my arms asleep. A wave of sheer love and affection just washed over me as I looked down at your sweet sleeping face. You are already growing up way too fast. You are 10 weeks old right now.
This week you slept for 6 hours for the first time. I didn't know how to react! I woke up three times during that 6 hour period wondering why you weren't waking up. It was wonderful to be able to look over at you sleeping in the bassinet and be able to go back to sleep though. You also picked the perfect night to do this for the first time since I had a horrible headache on this night and was also feeling very nauseous. So thank you my dear boy for thinking of your mom.
The next night I was once again overflowing with love for you. At about 3 am you woke up to eat and as I started to lay you down in the bassinet after your feeding you woke up and looked up at me and gave me the biggest ear to ear grin. Then you closed your eyes again for a few seconds as if you were going to go back to sleep then you opened them again. You looked up at me one more time and grinned again, as if to say 'hi mom! Just checking to make sure you were still there!" It's moments like these that make me love being your mom.
On yet a different day I came home from work and you were so happy to see me. Jessica had been watching you and you were just sitting on the couch and the second I walked up to you I got another big ear to ear grin because you were so happy to see me home.
I have one more week with you where I don't have to work every day and I am going to cherish every last moment of it. Today we took a bath together. I plan on taking a nap with you, going on a walk outside, and spending time with your Dad and us as a little family. I love you Marcus.
Marcus you have an amazing mommy!! you're one lucky little dude!