Saturday, November 2, 2013

Speeding Towards Age 2!

You broke my computer by stepping on it almost two months ago and thus I have been incognito on writing blog entries. That doesn't mean I have been slacking on the picture taking though! So, I will do my best to try and get caught up on the blog posts on what we have been up to. In the mean time though I do want to jot down some things about you that I don't want to forget.

Words... You are adding a new word to your vocabulary on at least a weekly basis. New words include: Love you (wa wu), Nana, Popper (Pop -po), Scout (Cout) , Me , Mine, Cars, Bailey (lee, or Balele) , Go, Ball, Puppy, Great-Grandma , Jessica (Yes-ya) , bubbles, bink (bee) and I'm sure more that I haven't thought of.  Your most recent word is Elmo (Mel-mo) and I find it adorable.

Things You are Doing Right Now That I Love:
* Learning to jump in the air - you actually successfully did this for the first time yesterday and your Dad and I cheered loud and proud for you.
* You've begun responding when we ask you a question with 'uh-huh' instead of yes. The tone of voice that you use just melts my heart. I can't get enough of it.
* Snuggling like crazy. You have been a momma's boy as of late. Don't get me wrong sometimes it can be exhausting, but for the most part it is so wonderful to have you want to love up on me. I know these times won't last forever.
* Running and exploring everything. I'm not sure that I love this one but it is certainly part of being a boy. You run around and get into everything and we are working on listening skills at the store to ensure you stay close by. Your punishment is having to go back in the cart if you start to run off.
* You love the bath and bubbles. For the longest time you hated it, so it is nice that you actually want to be in it now.
* Make believe cooking is something you love. I have been having you practice cooking with me and we stir the food, drop ingredients in, and taste the food. This has gotten you into doing this on your own. So we will stack up bowls give you a few seasoning shakers, spoons, and cheerios and let you go to town.

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