This summer has been a fabulous year for rain and thunderstorms. We had one yesterday and so I decided to take you out in it for your first experience. You had so much fun and it is something I will never forget. You held your hands up to the sky and waved them shouting 'wa-wa' (for water) and squealed in delight. As it started to really dump we stood in the garage and watched it come down. Once it slowed a bit we wandered out of shelter to have some more fun. You were fascinated with the water coming out of the gutter.
Of course what would playing in the rain be without puddles? Dad asked me if I was going to let you go in the puddles. So we took you out to the gutter next to the sidewalk and Dad showed you how to properly splash through the puddle - in his jeans and everything! You ran back and forth screaming and laughing. Dad and I both laughed and looked at each other shocked as you proceeded to lay down in the gutter and splash around. I took a video and a few pics of you playing with Dad in the water.
too cute man. too cute. we should have another one at the same time so they can play together in the rain....he is so precious