Monday, April 15, 2013

A Trip to Washington

We haven't been to Washington to visit your Nana P and G-Gma Linda in a little over a year, so it was our turn to make a visit since they have been out here twice. Grandpa gave us discounted tickets so we made the trip up to visit this past weekend. What a great time we had! You have changed so much since the last time that they saw you that everything you did was just amazing to them. We stayed with Brooke and Marlon and were able to visit the late hours of the day away laughing and enjoying each others company. 

The first day we got there since we were in Seattle we decided to go to the Mariners game. Neither your Dad or I have ever been to a professional baseball game so it was exciting. It was Felix's 1500th strike out so there were tshirts passed out, posters and more. Although it was a little chilly we had a fabulous time. Yes the Mariners aren't a great team, but it was actually a very close game and they only lost by one run. We met up with Brooke and Marlon afterwards at Applebees for some drinks and snacks (by then you were asleep). 

Friday you and I spent the day with your Nana. She loved up on you and we had a great time visiting with her and your Uncle Ryan. You were very into her kitties. Friday night we ate over at Brook and Marlon's. You stole their hearts and were in love with their dog Ginger. You chased her all over the house. Their other dog is a baby just like you, so you two were peas in a pod running around the house causing trouble. 

On Saturday we went over to Nanas again. You got to meet your great Aunt Angie and Great Papa Cal for the first time. They both fell in love with you instantly. Uncle Ryan and Jessica played with you and showed you the cat's hiding places. Late Saturday we went back to Brooke and Marlon's and you fell fast asleep. 

Sunday was a pretty short day since we had to go home. We had enough time to sleep in some (you are going through a growth spurt you slept 12 hours, when you normally only sleep 10.5 to 11 hrs a night) and pack in the morning. We grabbed some breakfast at the airport and then let you play in the children's play area. You were shy and timid at first but then were running around and sliding down the slide like a pro (much to your mom's amazement and sadness as I realized you are growing up WAY too fast). 

In typical form, you were a model child on the flights even when there were many other babies on the planes crying (including one only 2 weeks younger than you). You are such a great little traveler!

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