Thursday, January 31, 2013

1 Year Old!

Happy Birthday big boy!! I can't believe it has been a year since I was waiting in anticipation to meet you. You have changed your Dad and I's life in so many ways and I can't dream of life without you anymore. Each day you provide me so much joy and my love grows more and more. I sing to you "You Are My Sunshine" on a very regular basis and you my son are just that. Everything about you is perfect and I wouldn't change a thing. As much as I want you to stay my baby forever, I am looking forward to watching you continue to grow each year. I love you so much Marcus.

Things You Are Doing Developmentally Right Now:
* Saying 'All Done' when finished eating
* Signing eat
* Climbing down the stairs on your tummy
* Sleeping through the night on a regular basis (yeah!! A lot of this is because you aren't teething right now)

Thing You Are Doing That I Love Right Now:
* Laughing when other people laugh - you did this the other day while on vacation and the fact that you laughed at me laughing got me laughing even harder. This just made you laugh even more. It was the sweetest thing.
* Playing chase around the house. This includes hiding around the corner and then shrieking with laughter as I come to get you.
* Starting to cause mischief - this includes doing everything you KNOW you aren't supposed to do - such as pulling the toilet paper in the bathroom, getting into Bailey's water, turning off the tv receiver and anything else that we tell you not to do.
* Starting to clean things, you love to use the broom and dustpan. If we leave out a rag you will go around and wipe surfaces.
* Helping to clean your bottom during diaper changes. If you have a wipe you try to assist me with the process.
* The way you open your mouth and bob your head on my shoulder to make noise like the Native Americans did (you have done this for a while but I have forgotten to write about it).

We went on a family vacation to Maui right before your birthday (more pics to come on this soon) and I wanted to get a '1 year' pic of you down there. This was taken 3 days before your birthday. What a perfect way to remember you turning one for the rest of my life. I love you more than my words can express to you.

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