Guess who is nine months old?!?!
You certainly grow by leaps and bounds every few months and this month was definitely no exception. I can hardly believe that you are almost a year old.
I took you to the doctor this week for your nine month checkup as well and you have changed dramatically on the charts. Fortunately this visit was a shot free visit which was a wonderful surprise for me. Your stats for nine months are:
Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz 69th Percentile
Height: 28 1/4 inches 47th Percentile
Head Circumference: 18 1/4 in 78th Percentile
New Things You Are Doing Developmentally:
* Waving 'hi' when you see people
* Taking your hands off of the couch for a few minutes and standing on your own
* Pulling yourself up on the walls and on people
* Eating quite a few different types of table foods
* Your two bottom teeth are ALMOST in... you can see the edges of each tooth. They just haven't broken
through completely.
* You can sign 'more' and 'milk'
Things That You Are Doing That I Love Right Now:
* You wrinkle up your nose and smile/snort when you smile or think something is funny
* The way you wrap your arms around my legs when you want me to pick you up
* Your flirtatious look when you raise one eyebrow with a little twinkle in your eye
* The way you give me a mischievous look and smile right before you do something that you aren't supposed
to do as if you are testing your boundaries
* Watching you play on Daddy's head while he has you on his shoulders
* You try to "share" with me by putting your pacifier up to my lips for me to put in my mouth.
* Starting to 'high five' us when we stick our hands out.
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