Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sleeping Habits

There are so many sleeping habits that you are developing. Some are funny, some endearing. As far as 'sleeping through the night' goes, you are slowly progressing. You now sleep most of the time from 9 to about 4 in the morning. At 4 you nurse and then go back to bed. The way I figure, you are making progress in sleeping longer through the night so I'm not pushing anything as far as going past 4 in the morning before waking up. 

Now the fun stuff....

Whenever you sleep you constantly try to be as close to something as possible. So while you are sleeping in your crib it always weirds me out that you are crammed up into the corner of your crib with your head touching the wood. I used to try and move you to the middle of the crib but to no avail because you eventually make your way back to the corner of the crib. 

This habit continues when you are in our bed. If Cole is in the bed, you instantly gravitate towards him because of the warmth. Your Dad loves and hates this, he wonders why you are always moving towards him, but you can tell that he loves you try to snuggle with him. When Dad isn't in bed, then you will snuggle towards me. It is funny because we can start with you on one side of the bed and then I will be pushed to the complete opposite side of the bed from you constantly snuggling up against me. 

The other funny thing that you do is you will start facing in one direction and then you will wind up in the complete opposite direction. I know all of these things are pretty normal for babies, but I think it is very adorable.

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