Sunday, September 2, 2012

7 Months Old

This last month flew as much as I always say "I can't believe you are xx months old," this month I can actually believe it. 

Things You Are Doing Developmentally Right Now:
* Getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, moving your hind legs. Now you just need to move your hands! (Right now if we move your hands forward you face plant)
* Rolling across the room
* Sitting up on your own in the bath and shower (this one took a bit longer since it is slippery and I wasn't quite as okay with leaving you be without having my hands right next to you)
* Taking puffs (cheerio size) and putting them in your mouth from the high chair.
* "Help" getting dressed and getting out of the car seat. Meaning that you move your arm when I am dressing you or after I get your left arm out of the car seat strap, you pull your right arm out yourself while I lift up the car seat strap. 

Things that You Are Doing that I Love Right Now:
* You know about cause and effect right now and you always try to kick the diaper wipes off of the changing table so that I say "Did you do that?!" and give you a surprised face. Once I do this you respond with a laugh and grin. Then once I put them back on the changing table you will do the same thing again.
* Dad and I for the past few months have been "blowing bubbles" or "raspberries" with our mouths at you. So now you try to do the same thing with your mouth. You will sit and do this when you wake up, see your Dad, or are just laying on the ground. Your Dad and I love it and we will sit you in between us and blow bubbles back and forth as you watch us and mimic us. 

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